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SHIFT - Group Offering for THE SPIRAL

SHIFT - Group Offering for THE SPIRAL

Regular price €2.222,00 EUR
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SHIFT  - and create the life you desire. 

More Passion.

More Freedom. 

More Abundance.

More Joy. 

More Love. 

More Peace. 

All of us are longing for more of the above. 

When you identify and clear the emotional blockages in your system, that most likely have been installed in your subconscious in childhood and teenage your, you will be able to shift into a more passionate, free, abundant and joyful life full of love and peace. 

What is holding us back are beliefs, thinking patterns and our choices to stay in the comfort zone - which sometimes even means suffering - instead of letting go of what is not serving you anymore.  

You have the choice.

To create the life you dream of. 

To step onto a path that is already waiting for you. 

Be brave. Gather yourself and make new choices. 

Are you ready to make the next step in your life? 


The Spiral, a truly holistic approach - how does it work? 

To start with I will support you to set a clear intention where you want to be in one year. So that you can focus and commit to taking action towards this goal and it’s specific outcomes. We will identify miles stones and agree on an action plan. 

Then we look at your status quo and what is holding you back from actually living your dream. For this process we will make use of the methodology “The Spiral” in which we will clear 22 general emotions on the seven energetic levels in all of your five bodies - physically, emotionally, energetically, mentally and spiritually. 

To identify the installments in your subconscious we will use the muscle test from Kinesiology and will then release them with the help of acupuncture pressure points known from Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

Between the clearing sessions we will continue to check in to see where you are at with your journey and how it is going with your action plan. 

The program entails 10 bi-weekly group sessions with Dannie approximated 60-90min

  1. Identify your one year Masterplan. Set your Intention for our Journey. 
  2. Level One: Deserving; Releasing SHAME and increasing SELF-WORTH.
  3. Level Two: Creativity; Releasing FEAR and increasing PROACTIVITY.
  4. Level Three: Power; Releasing ANGER and increasing SELF CONFIDENCE.
  5. Level Four: Openness; Releasing WOUNDS OF THE HEART and increasing LOVE.
  6. Level Five: Expression; Releasing LOW SELF-ESTEEM and increasing EXPRESSION.
  7. Level Six: Vision; Releasing OLD VIEWS and increasing CLARITY.
  8. Level Seven: Purpose; Aligning to your HIGHER PURPOSE and DIVINITY.
  9. Manifestation Session. 
  10. Check In after 4 weeks.

The program also includes homeplay - exercises to do on yourself including journaling and self-reflection between the session. 

This is a group process I am only offering twice a year, limited to 5 spots. 

10 individual 1:1 Sessoins during 3 months, including videos and integrating activites during the sessions. 

Start in May 2024. 

As soon as we have three people we can start the process. 

If you are curious but have more questions, book your free Discovery Call now.


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